There are few combinations better than dogs and hockey, whether it be ice hockey or road/ball hockey.



Would you want this goalie in a game of shinny? . . . More at (📽: @crusoe_dachshund)

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This adorable little puppy-goalie reinforced that fact earlier this week as it played goalie in the snow and made some stops in the process.

As adorable as that dog doubling as a goalie was, though, was it more adorable than this cute dog dropping the puck ahead of an ECHL game between the Quad City Mallards and the Missouri Mavericks?


It honestly doesn't get much cuter than that.


There's no doubt in our minds that hockey and dogs aren't the perfect combination.

The Royal Half
The Royal Half
Furriest of Fans/Pinterest

And sometimes, they even make for the perfect training buddy.



Новый защитник👆 New defenseman👆

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(H/T: /r/hockey)