Canadians are running wild with their Zambonis recently.

First it was our favourite story of 2016 in which an Edmonton man took his BarDown Zamboni through the Tim Hortons drive thru, now it’s a man trying to help out his fellow Canadians. People in Saanich were hit with what the man described to CTV as “a good five inches of snow”, so he decided to try to help clear some of the snow in front of his house – with the ice resurfacer.

As you probably guessed, it didn’t go so well, and someone called the cops.

CTV caught up with Marko Kardum (The driver) and asked him a couple questions. First off, he explained that he would have “had the whole road cleaned up” if not for those meddling cops.

The best part about the whole thing is that he was somehow able to get the Zamboni for $300 at an auction. Considering the money he saved there, it’s no wonder that he won’t rule out taking it back out on the road.