Houston Texans defensive end J.J. Watt knew he needed to do something to help Houston once Hurricane Harvey destructed the city, but he probably wasn’t expecting his initiative to catch on as quickly as it did.

Watt started his campaign on Sunday night with an initial goal of $200,000. In less than a week, Watt has managed to help raise over $10 million through the You Caring campaign, and he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

On Thursday morning, Canadian rapper Drake contributed to Watt’s campaign by donating $200,000.


www.youcaring.com/JJWatt @justinjames99 🙌🏽🙏🏽💙

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It's amazing to see everyone come together like this to help Houston residents after everything they just experienced and Watt is still going strong on social media hoping to raise a little more money for the city he’s called home since 2011.

(H/T Instagram/champagnepapi)