Speedruns are some of the most popular parts of the streaming world and can also be one of the most frustrating.

Part of the appeal is seeing the games that you know and love and understanding new possibilities within them. However, when it’s a game you’ve played for hours and these professionals can beat it in less than five minutes – it can make the hours spent beating the game a little less impressive. We’re sure most people have played Super Mario Bros. at some point in their life and we can guarantee you’ve never seen it completed at this speed (Official Time: 4:46.528 - 0.716 faster than the previous record)


One of the coolest parts of the video is watching his heart rate when he sees that he’s on pace to beat the record.

For the most part, his heart rate hovers around 70-80 beats per minute and as soon as the -0.4 comes up, it skyrockets to 130-140 beats per minute – peaking at 153 just after he beats the record. It was especially important for Darbian (The man in the video), because he had actually shared the record with another gamer Kosmic.

Just over a year ago, Kosmic tied Darbain’s speed run of 4:57.244 down to the single frame.

Darbian had actually said he was retiring from Super Mario Bros. speedruns until this record was tied again, because he had assumed he’d reached his peak. Apparently he just needed a little more motivation to take his game to the next level.