Hockey has never been the most popular sport on the planet, but it has a very dedicated fan base that creates cult followings for movies about Canada’s favourite game.

So much so that someone was curious to find the oldest Hollywood movie with a hockey scene in it. Reddit user silentmoviegifs dug up an old clip from the movie Ice Cold Cocos and posted it to hockey Reddit. The clip shows a faceoff that descends into madness after a summit series-like ankle chop.

This is one of the first depictions of people playing hockey in a movie, from 1926

It’s not too shocking to find out that the film was directed by a Canadian (Del Lord) and funded by a production company founded by a Canadian (Mack Sennett Comedies). If your curious about how this plays into the plot of the movie, well it’s not all about hockey. The movie does have a lot to do with skating, so a hockey game at some point was a natural connection.

Here’s the synopsis from IMDB:

“Billy and Andy impersonate two ice-delivery men in a suburban town. Billy takes a fancy to a newly-wed bride and most of his loose cash is liquidated as he flirts with her. Her husband is not pleased at Billy's attentions to his new bride. There is a skating contest at the local ice-rink, and the bride, her mother and her husband are in attendance, as are Billy and Andy, the icemen.”

That’s come a long way to the hockey movies we know and love today.