How much is a superstar athlete worth to a franchise? To the Golden State Warriors Steph Curry is worth exactly $201 million over five-years.

Now of course, there are a number of things to take into consideration when analyzing the Warriors valuation, with the most important factor being the the salary cap. So yes, while a player like Steph Curry may actually be "worth" more than $40.2 million a year to the Warriors -- on the court and off the court-- the guard got the maximum amount that was available to him.

LeBron James believes that this sort of cap should not exist, taking into consideration how much someone like Curry has added to the Warriors' brand valuation over the past few years. James offered his take on the matter, responding to the tweet of Ann Killion of the San Fransisco Chronicle.

Definitely an interesting debate. No one is saying that $40 million is not a lot of money, but what some (LeBron James) are saying is that perhaps Curry should get an even bigger slice of the pie considering just how important he is to the overall growth and current size of the pie.

No matter who gets the increased paycheque, at the end of the day the money is still rolling in. So it kind of comes down to the question of whether or not you believe team owners deserve a larger percentage, or if the stars of the teams do.