If you could ask Marshawn Lynch one question, we imagine most fans would want to ask him something about Super Bowl 49 and his thoughts on the Seahawks deciding throw the ball instead of running it.


Looking back, running the ball almost certainly would have led to another Seahawks Super Bowl victory, but that's not how it went down and that's fine with Lynch.

In fact, in a recent video Lynch did with comedian Johnno Wilson for Draft Kings, he explained why he's happy he didn't run the ball in the closing seconds of the Super Bowl.

(Skip to 7:40)


And for those that prefer reading over watching videos, here's the quote:

“I’m kinda glad, I’m happy, me too. To tell you the truth. Not because of that, because then I probably wouldn’t have the opportunity to play in my hometown. I think I’m getting sympathy opportunities … That ain’t modest. Had we ran that and we would’ve scored, I’d be in a different position, and it probably wouldn’t be in the position for me to actually be playing for the home team.”

This quote alone showcases how incredible of a person Lynch is.

Other players in his situation may have been bitter about what happened in that Super Bowl, but Lynch views what happened as a blessing because he was able to play for his hometown team and continue to make a difference in his community.

Plus, this isn't the first time Lynch has had fun with what happened in that game against the Patriots:


(H/T: FTW)