Twitter can be awesome and awful at the same time.

It's a great source for breaking news and reaction, but whatever you tweet out will live on the internet forever, and usually fans a habit of going back in time and digging up old, embarrassing tweets from athletes.

No athlete is safe from this practice, including Kevin Durant, and at the ESPYS earlier this week, Alexis Morgan and SLAM teamed up and asked NBA players and KD's mother to read some of his most infamous tweets.

(Warning: Tweets have NSFW language)

The concept is very similar to players reading mean tweets on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

We must say, though, that players reading another peer's tweets is just as entertaining, especially considering Durant's wonderful mother Wanda read one, too.

Since winning his first NBA title, Durant has been very active on Twitter, so this could be a segment that returns.
(H/T: FTW)