Super Bowl commercials are weird. They go against everything that we believe a commercial to be. Commercials are supposed to be filler, many think of them as a time to turn away from the TV and finish the tasks you’ve been neglecting while watching sports.

Somehow, the Super Bowl has changed that.

By having insanely expensive ad time, it has forced companies to bring their A-game to the Super Bowl and come out with some of the best commercials of all-time. It’s become a spectacle within the sport, sometimes being more talked about than things like the half-time show – which is actually meant to entertain you.

Now the term “Super Bowl Commercial” has become like a seal of approval. If a commercial is good enough to air during the Super Bowl, it has become good enough for us to watch in our spare time.

In fact, it’s come to the point that we’re even watching Super Bowl teasers and commercials before the game even starts – which is why you’re here!

Here are all of the Super Bowl commercials and teasers for your viewing pleasure:

WARNING: If the only reason you watch the Super Bowl is for the ads, this will most definitely spoil that for you.







Skittles is amazingly random. We laughed and now we want skittles. Mission accomplished.



The internet has never lost, so it’s not a bad wagon to hitch yourself to.


This could go in the “potential category” but the idea is so big that we just want to appreciate Snickers going all out, and trying to do a kind-of live commercial. They will shoot it on the day of, so it’s bound to be topical. Hopefully it works out.

Turbo Tax

Humpty dumpty had a great commercial.


A cute dog and Tom Brady goofing off is good enough for us.


John Malkovich being mad is amazing.



Mr. Clean

Mr. Clean has a weirdly sexual vibe to it, which is hilarious, but teasers suck.

Buffalo Wild Wings

Brett Favre and a mystery – you have our attention.


Hyundai is going for a more patriotic angle, giving props to the troops. It will be interesting to see where they take it from here.

Like a regular commercial:


Avocado from Mexico

Avocado from Mexico has made some quality commercials in recent years, but this is nothing new.


Melissa McCarthy is great, but car commercials are known to disappoint and this teaser is fairly ambiguous.


Pretty cool dancing next to a car they want you to buy.

Bud Light

Not a terrible commercial, but a pretty typical beer ad. Also, beer doesn’t factor in on a bunch of these activities (We hope).


We’re not really sure what this is.


Is Gal Gadot the female Jason Statham?




Heinz – Smunday

Heinz had using the money that they would normally pay for a Super Bowl ad and used it to give their employees a day off. In fact, they’re trying to make it so it’s a day off for everyone.

Best from the Past


Reebok – Office Linebacker

This will always be the funniest Super Bowl commercial of all time.

Doritos – Protective Child

This kid was an absolute savage before people overused that word to nauseam.

Snickers – Betty White

Old people playing football. It’s gold, Jerry! Gold!

Career Builder – Positive Monkeys

This is how you should behave when your team is losing in the Super Bowl. All positivity.

E-Trade – Talking Baby

A baby talking like a grown-up was both shocking and hilarious. It still doesn’t feel like an ad.

So far, none of the above commercials have cracked the top 5, or probably even the top 10, but there’s still time. There are some quality commercials, but nothing revolutionary to this point. However, many of them are just teasers and have a chance to up the ante on the big day. 

It's not all bad news though, none of them rank among the worst either. We still feel like this ad from GoDaddy a couple years back takes the cake with that. Not that it was particularly bad ad, but it's more sad than funny. Poor puppies.