Have you ever found yourself blankly staring out of your window in the middle of the night, bewildered with one question on your mind: Who would win in a foot race...Shea Weber or a horse?

Did you answer yes to that first question? Well then maybe you can help us make sense of this new McDonalds commercial featuring Shea Weber -- as we said -- racing a horse. Weber is primarily known for his blistering slapshot, as opposed to his moderate speed on skates, but that didn't stop McDonalds from taking an odd hypothetical situation and turning it into an entertaining commercial.



Hamburger commercials don't get a whole lot more thrilling than that. We can honestly say that we weren't quite sure as to who was going to win, or why we were so emotionally invested in the result of a fictitious horse race. As to what any of that has to do with hamburgers, we really don't know. But perhaps that's not actually important. It worked for Mr. Plow, right?



Actually...now that we come to think of it, the Plow King continued his reign at the top of Springfield's snow plow game after that ad spot ran. So maybe commercials do need to make sense.