We're big fans of "The Simpsons" due to the fact that not only is the hilarious, but a lot of sports references and figures appear and are incorporated into the show.

Furthermore, "The Simpsons" have a history of predicting moments in sports long before they happen, and every time you think you've heard the last prediction come true, a new one comes out of nowhere.

Now, this is for all of the Patriots fans out there, if you're not fans of the show, you may be after seeing what they during a rerun episode to somewhat troll the Falcons.

In an episode from Season 28 titled "Boston," which was first released back in October, the Boston Americans beat the Springfield Atoms, and the team from Boston looked very similar to Bill Belichick and the Patriots.

FOX/Entertainment Weekly

Sunday, a rerun of the episode aired, and something was different about the final score and the teams playing.

FOX/Entertainment Weekly

Clearly the creators of the show couldn't pass up the opportunity to add some salt in the wound of the Falcons and their fans, and we applaud them for making the subtle score change.

As per Entertainment Weekly, executive producer Matt Selman that changing the score made not sense at all, but it was funny:

“It was pure self-indulgence on our part.  The Boston show was re-running the week after the Super Bowl, and [executive producer] Al Jean had the idea to just sneak in a non-sequitur freeze-frame joke. Jamming the Super Bowl teams and score into one shot makes no sense in the show, but we couldn’t resist. One-time only — never to be seen again!”

Well played Simpsons, well played.

(H/T: Uproxx)