Punters can play a huge role in the outcome of a football game with one clutch kick, and yet they never really get their due. Sure, they're not on the field for the majority of the game and when they it's because a team's offense failed to gain enough yardage. But the difference in an opponent starting at their own 35 (a bad punt) versus at their own 3 yard line (a stellar punt) is significant.

Oakland Raiders punter Marquette King made headlines all last season, mostly due to his over the top celebrations. Make no mistake, though. King can kick a ball with the best of them. Back in 2015 at an event called the Kohl's Kicking College Elite Camp, King showed off his leg strength and the clip is truly impressive. 


Listen to that booming sound when King makes contact with the ball and look how quickly the ball nearly disappears from sight. If we could kick like that, we would be celebrating on an imaginary horse as well.

(H/T: YouTube