Joey Chestnut is the Bill Russell of hot dog eating competitions. At least, that's how announcers at the Annual Nathan's July 4th Hot Dog Eating Contest would like you to think.

Tuesday, the American hot dog eating legend claimed his 10th title at the 4th of July contest, eating 72 hot dogs, setting a new Nathan's Hot Dog eating record. Watching Chestnut devour hot dogs as if they were individual M&Ms got us thinking -- whenever Chestnut attends a sporting event, his food bill must be absolutely insane. Obviously Chestnut would not eat 72 hot dogs if he was just trying to have a good time at a game, but what if he did?

With that question in mind we scoured the web for food menus from venues in the NHL, NBA and of course, the MLB, the home of hot dogs. 

Joey Chestnut's Hot Dog bill at a Montreal Canadiens game

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Joey Chestnut's Hot Dog bill at a Blue Jays game

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Joey Chestnut's Hot Dog bill at a Toronto Raptors game 

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Pretty steep prices for hot dogs. But let's say Mr. Chestnut's looking to dine on a budget at a sporting event. All he would have to do is make his way to Great American Ballpark in Cincinatti, as they have a $1 concession stand, leaving him of a bill of, well you get the point, $72!

Joey Chestnut's Hot Dog bill at a Cincinnati Reds game 

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So in short, don't go to a sporting event and attempt to eat like Joey Chestnut, unless you intend to ball out like Warren Buffet.