Everybody likes to throw around the word millennial like it’s a wild, misunderstood age group. As if it is the world’s greatest mystery waiting to be cracked.

However, we’re a simple age group – we like memes.

The internet has created a space where communication is so easy, that inside jokes are no longer between cliques at school, but are instead formed through different pockets of social media – and that’s where memes come in. Memes are the internet’s inside joke and they are the most commonly digested content on the internet today.

In fact, if you fall behind on your memes, you might be out of the loop for the day. That’s why Little League World Series regional competitor, Leo Randazzo, makes sure to get in a hearty dose of memes before every game.

This might not be the best bio of the LLWS (That goes to the kid hitting on his teacher), but it’s definitely the most honest.

These kids don’t need to be in the cages before their games – they’re kids. The Little League World Series might be the most fun-driven tournament to be broadcast on National TV, so memes go perfectly with their whole brand.

In fact, these kids probably don’t want to be athletes when they want to grow up. They want to realize the true millennial dream: Becoming a meme. With the likes of Crying Jordan, Happy Bolt or Dart Guy sitting among the some of the best, sports is the best avenue to become an iconic image in the memesphere.