It’s almost here.

The Super Bowl is just days away and die-hard fans will be looking anywhere to get their last minute tickets. We took a look on the internet to find some of the most expensive tickets.

On StubHub, individual seats are selling for as high as $37,500 American. That will get you a lower sideline seat.

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On, a single seat in section 315 on the club level will cost you a cool 10 grand (US).


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You can find a slightly better deal on Ticketmaster, which is selling an individual seat in section 106 for $9990.

Embedded Image has just a few tickets left in section 309, and they’re the site’s most expensive individual tickets priced at $6,461 American.

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On the same website, you can buy the luxurious 200 level suite for $337,007 (US)!

The cheapest ticket of the three sites was for $2,214 Canadian on Ticketmaster, and will get you a ticket in the corner nosebleeds.

If you’re willing to deal with these prices, good on you. But if you’re not feeling like purchasing the 200 level suite, feel free to purchase a home instead!