Style is such a big thing in hockey. Some players keep things a little more simple while other players (cough cough, Ovi), choose to spice things up a bit more for game-time. Overall, style in the NHL is pretty cool, but it could use a bit of a kick.

In leagues like the NBA and NFL, players and teams have shown off customized shorts, gloves and shoes, to name a few. So why not bring some of them to the ice surface? With that in mind, here are four that the league and its players should consider using more.


Hockey pants have historically been pretty bland (except for Cooperalls, of course), but on Monday night we gave fans a taste of what they would look like if teams started incorporating their logo more prominently on them. We think you'll agree that it looks pretty good... definitely something for all of the teams to consider!



Teams have also kept their helmets pretty plain over the years but the Winter Classic has given fans an opportunity to see what a big logo on them would look like. The Avs were the latest team and once again, they looked pretty cool. With the pants, this could seriously enhance player style on the ice!



This one just makes too much sense. Basketball and football players have never backed away from customizing their shoes and cleats, and it'd be great to see NHL player start doing the same. They don't have to incorporate any crazy design patterns, but a little colour would at least be pretty cool.



Not all players even use a mouth guard, but it would be pretty cool to see the ones who do shake things up a bit. Take notes from DK Metcalf of the Seattle Seahawks... he is the king of the mouth guard game!


These are just four. What else do you think should be added?