Time sure flies, huh?

It seems just like yesterday that we were all just finding out that Seattle was getting an NHL team, and now, they’re gearing up for their first real NHL season. 

It seems like a distant memory now, but remember how stressful it was leading up to the Kraken selecting their roster?

Even though the entire draft was spoiled by insiders who are way too good at their jobs the day of, we didn’t know which of our favourite players were going to be packin’ for the Kraken. 

If you’re a Leaf fan, you were probably terrified by this video that circulated in the week leading up to the draft that appeared to confirm that the Kraken would be selecting Alex Kerfoot



Of course, we know now that that didn’t end up being the case, but that didn’t stop fans from freaking out at the time. 

Not only fans, though. Kerfoot himself had this video sent to him more times than we could probably imagine, and he opened up about the experience ahead of the Leafs’ pre-season game tonight. 



'A day of emotions': Leafs' Kerfoot on expansion draft, viral fish video

Alexander Kerfoot talks about his anxiousness and the potential of having been traded during the Expansion Draft. Kerfoot comments on the viral fish video where it's stated that he's been selected for the Seattle Kraken.


As it turned out, the video was just one of many shot that day, but it definitely would have been a stressful bunch of notifications to wake up to for Kerfoot! 

(H/T: Kristen_Shilton)