Did you know that Christmas is just eight days away?

You probably haven’t noticed with the amount of Christmas music being played and all the decorations displayed.

For hockey players, it means either a mini break in action to spend time with the family, or the perfect time to get a new pair of skates, gloves, or goalie pads.

Thanks to the fine folks at Reddit Hockey, one little goaltender over in Finland is amped right up that the big  day is just around the corner.

 Look at the little guy go!

Maybe a new set of pads, skates or a mask is coming his way. There’s usually a ton of minor hockey league Christmas tournaments, so maybe the ‘tendy will be able to break some new gear in come the new year.

For the record, that’s the Finnish version of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer called Petteri Punakuono.

(h/t Reddit Hockey)