For the past year athletes, coaches and front office members alike have had to have their head on a swivel when dealing with fans looking for a high-five. The newl cautious approach to high-fiving all boils down to the dab craze.

Famous people can't go anywhere without some kid pretending to reach for a high-five, only to bring their elbow to their nose, completing the 'dab on them' move. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban was the latest celebrity to fall victim to the dab. But Cuban had a counter move for a young Utah Jazz fan who thought he was being clever.

Cuban, who blew into the fans jersey like it was a piece of paper tissue, dealt with the situation in jest, even taking to Twitter later on to label the kid as the "best heckler" he's ever had the pleasure of running into.


Dabbers beware, Cuban's got your number. 

(H/T: Bleacher Report)