Unless you watch multiple hockey games and play NHL 19 all the time, chances are you probably don't know how to properly pronounce every player's name in the NHL.

Most names are pretty easy to pronounce, but for new hockey fans, a lot of names can prove to be difficult to pronounce.  Luckily for all hockey fans, there's a website that has been made specifically for name pronunciation for every NHL team.

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NHLNames.com is the website and it's extremely easy to use.  Simply select a team, click on a player's name and audio from the team's play-by-play announcer or colour commentator saying the player's name will follow.

For now, it's mostly last names only, but they are working towards full-name pronunciations of all NHL players.

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Nobody knows the players better than each team's broadcast crew, so that fact that all of the names come from those specific crews is an added bonus.  

This is definitely an extremely helpful and easy to use website for all hockey fans wanting to learn the correct pronunciation of the names of their favourite players. 

(H/T: /r/hockey)