It’s not uncommon to see fights break out in hockey. In fact, it’s the only sport where it could actually be considered fairly common that they do, with the obvious exceptions of combat sports like MMA and boxing. From time to time though, sometimes even hockey surprises us with fisticuffs. Sometimes even the coaches get involved.

Most coach fights are more just heated arguments as they try to get after each other, but it will hardly ever result in them actually getting physical. For reference, here are a few of the more heated coaching confrontations that have come out of the NHL.



On Saturday, hockey fans got to witness a real coach fight between Arizona State coach Greg Powers and Michigan Tech coach Joe Shawhan started throwing punches in the middle of the ice, seeming to surprise everyone at first but then garnering the expected reaction of a full-team brawl.



That’s it, send ‘em to the box.

(H/T Eden Laase)