If you tuned into World Junior action in the last couple of days, you might have noticed something new, and a little different.

No, we’re not talking about the empty stands, or  the presence of masks, or even the fact that Germany has 14 skaters.

We’re talking about camera angles, obviously.


Some folks have pointed out the new looks on the ice during the first few games, and have wondered how the up-close angles are possible We have the answer, and we have a feeling it'll make you giggle.

Look and be amazed at Nate the cameraman, who’s been the person providing you with all these angles while dressed head to toe in what looks a lot like hockey camo.

Yes, we’re serious.



Look at him go!

Nate sits in the box while play is in action, but he gets the boot and has to wait in the stands if any players have to head to the sin bin.

The more you know!