Oftentimes after a professional sports team delivers a championship to a title-starved city, university and college professors will cancel classes the next day or on the day of the championship parade for fans to celebrate.

If the Atlanta Falcons would have won Super Bowl 51 and brought home the franchise's first title, we imagine many professors would have cancelled classes Monday.

Unfortunately, they were on the wrong side of history as New England completed the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history, but that didn't stop this professor from Georgia Southern from cancelling class.

We've seen emails from professors cancelling classes after wins, but rarely do we see them after losses.

That being said, based on this awesome email, we'd love for more professors to follow suit and cancel class the next day after a devastating loss.

While professors aren't very flexible traditionally when it comes to cancelling classes or moving mid-terms for students, it seems as though they have a soft spot for sports.

There's no better example of that than what this professor did for a Cubs fan back in 2015.

(H/T: SB Nation)