You may not learn anything new from these two hockey gurus, but you're almost guaranteed to get a laugh out of their top-notch tutorial videos.

Monday, we shared a video of two Canadian hockey fans who were looking to offer some advice on how to improve your skating, only to find out that their local rink was missing something rather important: ice. As it turns out, the boys at 'On the Bench' have a number of tutorial videos on their Instagram account that are just as entertaining as their concrete skating stunt, offering valuable lessons on areas like...

How to sharpen your skates...


Or how to dangle past an opponent (in cowboy boots)...


And most importantly, how to battle along the boards...(NSFW: language)


Honestly, the title for most of these could easily be 'how to never be invited back to play another game, but have a huge laugh.' We would definitely have to agree with the On the Bench boys on board battles by the way. Scouts definitely love to know that you're down to battle, even if it is against an inanimate recycling bin.

(H/T: Instagram)