If you haven't heard by now Space Jam 2 is officially in the works. 

On Wednesday, SpringHill Entertainment confirmed the rumours that the second edition of the Looney Toons and basketball mash-up movie is in fact in the works. Ryan Coogler, the director of "Black Panther" will be tasked with creating the sequel, while LeBron James will be taking over Micahel Jordan's role.

That doesn't necessarily mean MJ won't be involved in the film, though. 

According to ESPN's Dave McMenamin, Jordan could play a part in the film, but his role at this point is unknown.

Maverick Carter, LeBron's business partner and right-hand man, spoke with the Hollywood Reporter and was optimistic about Jordan's involvement.

“We’ll see,” says Carter, “Hopefully there will be a role for Michael if he wants it. But Michael Jordan is Michael (expletive) Jordan. It doesn’t matter (if James) calls him, he’s gonna do whatever the hell he wants, which he has earned that right to do.” And then he adds: “LeBron and Michael are not sitting around talking about Space Jam.”

According to the article, production is set to get underway in 2019. With LeBron now living in Los Angeles, the logistics of filming become that much easier with  SpringHill Entertainment located just a few miles north of Hollywood.

(h/t Hollywood Reporter and Dave McMenamin)​