The world of live TV has become fairly polished, but there are some things that you just can’t be prepared for. Stray footballs, for example, are something that should be seen as an anomaly rather than a real danger. One Korean sportscaster found this out very personally when he was trying to do a segment on the NBA.

While his co-anchor was introducing the segment, this poor sportscaster noticed that his nose had begun to leak. You know how much of an absolute badass he is though? He check to see that it was, in fact, bleeding, and then instead of leaving the set to deal with the matter, this guy just puts his hand down and pretends like nothing has happened!



It’s only when his co-anchor (undoubtedly the lesser professional of the two…) notices the nose bleed and is unable to play it off as casually and cool as his way-cooler desk partner.

No information if this guy has any other existing injuries. We likely wouldn’t know if he did. What an absolute rockstar.