Our very own Cabral Richards made his annual trip to Green Bay to visit the one and only Aaron Rodgers. The duo's newest piece is set to air tomorrow on SportsCentre, and it's sure to be a good one. Before we take a look at what the new feature has in store, here's a look at some other great moments the two have shared.


In case you forgot, in order to get to the soft spot in Rodger's soul, you have to give him sweets. This is clearly the key to Jordy Nelson's success. Take a look at 1:35.



 According to Cab, Rodgers witnessed some pretty memorable sports moments in history. Take a look at 2:40.



Check out which restaurant franchise Rodgers would consider investing in at 2:15... You'll also want to see what a mini Aaron Rodgers looks like.



Make sure to tune into SportsCentre tomorrow to see what this year's best Cabbie-Rodgers moment will be.