There's no greater championship trophy in sports than the Stanley Cup.  The history, tradition, and shear size of the trophy awarded to the final team standing in the playoffs makes it one of (if not) the best trophies in all of sports.

Hockey fans from around the world have crafted the Cup in different ways over the years and one of the most popular ways is making Lord Stanley's Mug into a massive cake.  That's exactly what this hockey fan (Reddit User Zippyyyy) did for a brother-in-law's 50th birthday and it looked both delicious and awesome.

Reddit User Zippyyyy

Eating and drinking out of the Stanley Cup is cool, but imagine being able to actually eat the Cup.  That would be something.  Alas, us fans can only take pictures with a replica while the players get to eat some awesome meals out of it.

(H/T: /r/hockey)