When it comes to working out, athletes are always searching for unique and fun ways to things to do that will provide the same results as some of the classic exercises.

We've seen some pretty crazy workouts over the years, but we haven't seen anything like what we're about to show you from Anthony Lugo and Josh Levitan.



The newest ab workout involves ... watermelons? 🍉😳 (via @thelostbreed)

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Watermelons are normally reserved for eating purposes, but Anthony and Josh decided to use them for one of the craziest ab workouts you'll ever see.

There's no way having a full watermelon thrown at your abs with enough force to make it break doesn't hurt, but Josh made it look enjoyable which is absolutely insane.

The only ab workout we can compare this to is having someone punch your abs as hard as they can, but this appears to be next level.

(H/T: SportsCenter)