For the past few years Chicago Cubs slugger Kris Bryant has teamed up with Red Bull to release a prank video to commemorate the start of the baseball season. Each time the prank involves Bryant wearing some form of disguise in an effort to fool fans into thinking he's just some regular Joe.

This year Bryant set his sights on a group of fans conducting a fantasy baseball draft, dressing up as a pizza delivery man to infiltrate their faux documentary video shoot.



Perhaps the fans not recognizing Bryant is more of a testament to the people who applied that fake mustache to his face then it is an indictment on their knowledge of the game. But still, if you name your kid after a baseball player, you probably should be able to recognize that baseball player. Mustache or no mustache.

If you want to see the tables get turned around on Bryant, check out the time Red Bull got Hall-of-Famer Greg Maddux to prank Bryant into thinking that his pitching assistant at a workout was just some random with wicked location.