Are you tired of reckless drivers speeding through school zones and scaring the bejesus out of crossing guards?

Well, maybe you should take up this tactic that a Boston gym teacher decided to do.

According to the Boston Globe, Sam Balto printed out a photo of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and laminated it to a crossing post guard in hopes of slowing down speedy drivers. Balto noted that he’s seen drivers rip through the 20-mph zone for an extended period of time now, and used a speed gun to clock in how fast some of the  drivers were going.

Despite numerous crosswalk posts being built to mitigate the speed, drivers still continue to drive fast, and disregard the signs. Some dirvers would even hit them and knock them completely over. So, Balto got a little innovative and printed out the picture of Brady to scare drivers.

While Brady does injects fear out on the football field to the opposition’s defence, this marvelous trick ended up working out quite well. If the driver’s continue to disobey the law, the gym teacher might want to use the Patriots defensive line next time.

(News Talk 1010)