There was Bruce Dreckman, peacefully minding his own business while serving as umpire for Wednesday’s game between the New York Yankees and Chicago White Sox, when a moth so rudely flew into his ear. It actually had to be extracted by Yankees trainer Steve Donohue.

Does he... not care that there was a moth in his ear? Dreckman was composed as he walked off the field with a moth in his ear, he remained composed as he had a moth removed from his ear, and he was still composed after finally getting a freaking moth out of his ear!

We don’t know about you guys, but if the moth was anywhere in the general proximity of our ear, even just fluttering nearby without making direct contact, we’d spook. Folks, Bruce Dreckman has game day focus.

If the intersection of human orifices and bugs and sports is something that appeals to you for some ungodly reason, here’s a massive grasshopper flying into French goalkeeper Hugo Lloris’ mouth during the World Cup. (See? Like any normal guy, he has a reaction!)



Well...that's unfortunate 😟🤐 #WorldCup

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h/t Twitter/Jomboy_