A recent trend in social media over the past few years has been people posting vlogs to YouTube about how they snuck into the Super Bowl, NBA Finals or some other prestigious event using counterfeit passes. This latest version is the biggest scam of them all.

A Warriors fan and YouTube, Trevor Laud, posted a video to his channel titled “SNEAKING *COURTSIDE* TO EVERY GOLDEN STAT WARRIOR GAME IN 2019”. That pretty much explains what the video is, but in it he goes on to explain in great detail how he tricked the Oracle’s staff and when he used his technique.

Overall, he recorded himself courtside at 29 games and he attended 32 games in total. We have a lot of questions.



Our main question is why he uploaded this to the internet, but we’ll come back later. This is what he had to say about how he did it:

The Warriors have this thing called the In-the-Building Pass, and you pay 100 dollars, and in return, they give you a ticket to every single game - but it's not for an actual seat. It's just, so, you're just supposed to watch the game inside the club. You're not actually supposed to go inside the bowl area, which is where all the seats are. I get the ticket that they give me for the In-the-Building Pass, and I Photoshop it to sit courtside. I've done this for over twenty games, and counting. I'm just trying to do it the whole season. I've not got questioned once. Technically it's not free, it's $100, but if you add up all the games I'm going to, I'll probably end up going to 30+ games, the whole season, courtside, or at least in the first couple rows, if you do the math it's like $3 a game, so it's pretty much free.

So, now back to why this feels like a terrible idea. Just look at the comments for to find out. We’re not all that familiar the laws for creating counterfeit tickets in California, but if it’s similar to most places, posting this video might not be the best idea.

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