Aaron Rodgers hasn’t had a ton to be thankful about on the football field this year. The decorated quarterback was dealt a tough hand when Minnesota Vikings’ linebacker Anthony Barr drilled him with a hit as he threw, sending Rodgers tumbling awkwardly to the ground. The result was a broken collarbone, which was in need of surgery.

Amidst the rumours that there is a slim chance of the long-tenured Packers’ quarterback returning, Rodgers got himself in the Thanksgiving spirit. On Wednesday, Rodgers posted a photo of his Thanksgiving-themed practice cleats, making sure to include that it was only a rehab practice to quell any hopes of a miraculous return anytime soon.


It’s a shame that Rodgers will have to miss out on the Thanksgiving football tradition, but hey – at least he doesn’t need to watch how much he eats quite as closely!

(H/T Instagram/aaronrodgers12)