Last March, we introduced you to an artist by the name of Cuyler Smith, who created a series of trading cards based on fictional sports characters.

These masterpieces were so popular that he has decided to make the set even bigger. He has added another 40 cards to collection by releasing a second set over recently. Once again, he nailed some of our favourite characters of all time.

From Air Bud to the Hanson brothers, we can’t help but what every piece of this collection. He does sell them on his site, where you can see more of his creations. We’ll give you some of the best ones, but there you can get prices, purchase the cards and see the funny descriptions he has on the back of every card.

Here are some of the best of the second set, which he shared on his Instagram (@CuylerSmith).


Here a couple more from the site and their backs.

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