The CFL comes with quite a few nuances, one of which is certainly the weather. Canadians are no stranger to Mother Nature’s capabilities, and with the Grey Cup being played in late November, it’s very possible that the elements become a defining factor. Just look at last year’s Grey Cup.

On top of that, almost every single stadium is outdoors, including Commonwealth Stadium where the 106th Grey Cup is slated to take place on Sunday. In preparation for the possibility of a cold game, Cabbie makes sure that starting quarterbacks Bo Levi Mitchell and Trevor Harris were ready for anything.

Including shrinkage. Throwing the ball with tiny hands is a distinct possibility on Sunday.



Cabbie’s just looking out for every possibility, and it’s comforting to know that both quarterbacks can in fact battle through hand shrinkage.

Looks like we’ve got an even match boys, we’ll see which tiny hands are lifting the Grey Cup come Sunday!