Getting a degree is a proud moment for anybody, as the time, hard work, and money put in are not easy to achieve. When one is actually awarded their degree, it is hard not to let the world know your accomplishment.

While most people do so by way of a photo on social media with some clever graduation pun, or a thank you to everyone who has supported them, an NFL player is actually looking to show the world in a never-before-seen way – right on his NFL jersey.

We know that NFL jerseys are at least a little flexible with what they allow on the nameplate, with Jr. or III appearing fairly regularly, but Laurent Duvernay-Tardif is looking to show off something completely different – his medical degree.

The Canadian lineman who was born and raised in Quebec and played for McGill University has managed to pull off an impressive balancing act. Duvernay-Tardif is well on his way to a medical degree as a result of following a dedicated plan during the offseasons to finish up his remaining requirements. Just as he told the Kansas City Star back in 2014, he’s ready to push towards graduation in 2018.

It’s pretty impressive to complete such a difficult degree in the first place, let alone if you are a starting professional football player. Now, Duvernay-Tardif wants people to know that he’s done it by having M.D. added to his crowded nameplate. After all, he is the first ever to become a doctor while playing in the NFL.

It may not be very common, but who’s to say the man doesn’t deserve it after his impressive show of dedication and resilience?

(H/T Bleacher Report)