Professional athletes pranking one another usually make for pretty cool stories, but former NHLer Darcy Tucker's tale of how his teammates played a joke on him is far more cool, it's hysterical.

Speaking on the latest edition of the Cabbie Presents Podcast, Tucker explained how Andrew Raycroft giving away his leather jacket to a homeless man outside of a bar led to the lead singer of superstar Canadian band Nickelback, Chad Kroeger, giving him is jacket to wear.

Darcy: Chad and I went to school together for half a year when I came back from playing in Red Deer when I was playing minor hockey. So I know Chad very well. And the other story about, Chad was in Vancouver on a road trip. Andrew Raycroft gave away my leather jacket, so I didn't have a jacket leaving the bar. And Chad gave me his to take home with me because I was going to freeze.

Cabbie: That is a cool story. I'm gave away your leather jacket?

Darcy: I didn't give my leather jacket away. Andrew you do a prank on your buddy for the first road trip when you're with the Colorado Avalanche and they gave my leather -- my brand new leather jacket by the way  -- to a homeless guy outside the bar.

Cabbie: Which is a very nice gesture!

Darcy: Yeah!

Talk about leaving your teammate out in the cold, literally. Well, at least it was a prank that also involved a good deed, right? Oh and to Chad're the real rockstar in that story. It takes a real bud to give up their jacket. And we're oh so thankful you did so that we can now enjoy this fantastic story.

To hear even more tales from Tucker, check out the full Cabbie Presents Podcast on iTunes and on YouTube!