LeBron James gets a lot of unnecessary hate from sports fans around the world, and one of the main focuses for the past couple years was his hairline.

Now, the internet went a little crazy after James shaved his head bald, and Draymond Green even weighed in on the change in hairstyle. Green wasn’t being very kind with his anecdote, but now one of James’ best friends and former teammate Dwyane Wade has shared a story of his own about LeBron going bald.

So does that mean LeBron is going to be bald for good now? If he was “riding these waves until the wheels fall off” it appears the wheels have fallen off.

Probably the weirdest part about this post though is Wade welcoming LeBron to the bald hood when he’s not actually bald. Yes, he did shave his head this one time, but he has a full head of hair and the velour tracksuit to match.


#DwyaneWade making an interesting fashion statement at the NBA Finals 😂

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