The Philadelphia Eagles were present for Super Bowl 53, but they did have a little Philly flavour on Sunday night after the Patriots were crowned champions for the sixth time.

Joining Stephen Colbert and Patrick Stewart on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert", Gritty was featured in the cold open of the show.

The orange-fury fellow appeared as a guest to Colbert's Super Bowl party just after Sullivan shows up.

An unstartled Gritty isn't initially allowed in but pops inside right after Colbert closed the door. Stewart refers to the Flyers' mascot as "Grittwald G. Grittington and mentions that they were close friends from their days of acting together in the Royal Shakespeare Company where Gritty starred as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet.

The three then sit down and take in the Super Bowl while munching on some essential Super Bowl party food options.

If anyone could possess magical powers and send Colbert to his New York Studios in true Star Trek fashion, it would totally be Gritty.

Gritty, a big dip guy. 


 (h/t Colbert Show)