2018 seems to be the sport of curling's big year.

First 80's television icon Mr. T acknowledges just how awesome the sport is, then J.J. Watt shows his support for the game with a few tweets of his own. Sunday, Watt posted an image of himself wearing a USA curling shirt on his Twitter account, presumably after watching the Mixed Doubles event. 



Shortly after posting the image, Matt Hamilton -- a member of the US Olympic curling team and the man who looked like Super Mario and took the world by storm -- asked Watt if he had just gained a new fan.  



 Watt's response..."of course."



Looks like curling has yet another A-list fan! Although Watt seems to be fairly new to watching curling, he has had some experience with the sport in the past. Namely in a series of commercials a few years back in which he showed how valuable his raw power would be on the ice. 


Reliant Energy "Curling with JJ Watt" :30 - Mixed by Joe O'Connell from Joe O'Connell on Vimeo.


Hopefully we can expect to see Watt at the 2022 Winter Olympics...as long as he brings his own rocks.