Justin Bieber and Shawn Mendes have a lot in common, both hailing from Canada, both being huge popstars and both dabbling in a little bit of hockey.

With Bieber not making as much music as he used to and Shawn Mendes seeming to hit a new level of stardom in the past year, “The Observer Magazine” dubbed Mendes the Prince of Pop. Apparently that is a title that Bieber seems to think was his own. He posted a comment on Mendes’ Instagram post of the magazine with possibly the most Canadian chirps ever (They were meant as a joke).



Thank you @obsmagazine x

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“Hmm Gonna have to break a few more records to dethrone my title there bud (Canadian voice) ..but if you want we can play hockey for it but i heard you’re a real bender on the ice  we could just drop buckets and tilt for it.”

Shawn accepted the challenge and seemed to enjoy it, and Bieber responded again as people seemed to over react to the comments.

“There is no competition and it was a playful joke people relax.. there’s no sides we’re all just here to make dope music. I’m just competitive as is he so it was just a little playful jargon.”

For the record, it does seem like Bieber is the better hockey player and in a 2015 interview with BarDown, Mendes said he was a good skater, but not a very good hockey player.