Everybody asked the same question, but we’re not sure many people had the right answer for “Who is going to celebrate the hardest in the Raptors parade?”

After reviewing the tape, most people would agree that Marc Gasol stole the show.

The things he did well for the Raptors on the court in their playoff run, like great defence and efficient shooting, aren’t the flashiest, but his contributions in the parade were much louder. Probably the number one video was when he chugged an entire bottle of wine, but his general approach to pumping up the fans was the most entertaining thing to watch.

Apparently for Gasol, the tape didn’t match up with how he was seeing it, but he clearly had a blast nonetheless.

If you’re not aware, that’s Freddie Mercury, the deceased lead singer of Queen, performing in front of a massive crowd.

Now, we’re not sure how the numbers compare between the size of those crowds, but make no mistake, Gasol was definitely a rockstar out there. If you missed any of Gasol’s antics, here’s a full compilation of all the best moments from Big Spain.