Ciara and Russell Wilson got married last summer, and it appears her son, Future Jr., is already embracing the Seattle Seahawks' quarterback as his stepdad. How is baby Future embracing Wilson, one might ask? For starters, it appears the little one is considering going into the family business of quarterbacking.

In a video posted by Ciara on Instagram, Future Jr. and Wilson are yelling audibles back and forth to each other. The little one appears to already know how to alter the play call at the line of scrimmage, so now all he needs is the physical aspects of the position.



Trying To Get Em Offsides Early "Set Hut-HUT HUT!!" #StartingYoung 😂😂

A video posted by Ciara (@ciara) on


If anyone hears the little one audible using "Omaha," we'll know he has a new teacher...



