Any football fan that calls themselves a veteran viewer will know the names Michael Irvin and Steve Smith Sr.

The two legendary receivers wouldn’t back down on the field, with Smith finishing at career marks of 14,731 yards and 81 touchdowns in 219 games, and Irvin punching out with 11,904 and 65 touchdowns in 159 games.

Both careers left their mark on the league, but the two weren’t going to back down when it came to bashing each other’s careers as well.

Sparked by Irvin, a lifetime Dallas Cowboy, suggesting that the Baltimore Ravens hadn’t had a receiver they can trust since Anquan Boldin. While Smith spent almost all of his career on the Carolina Panthers, his twilight years were spent in Ravens purple and black. This, of course, meant that Irvin had not acknowledged him as a receiver Joe Flacco could trust.

How do you think Smith, one of the league’s most well-known trash-talkers, took that slight?



It’s not the first time these two have gotten into it on-air either, the two outspoken receivers also got into it last year… and apparently THAT wasn’t the first time either!



If the two were to take the field and square off in an on-field receiver’s battle, it is unclear who would win. But one thing’s for sure, Steve Smith’s trash talking certainly doesn’t need the rust chipped off.

(H/T The Checkdown)