The Cleveland Browns are hoping to turn a corner this NFL season, so tying themselves to a show about the everyday life of an incompetent organization might not be a good start.

Okay, we got our Browns shot in and it’s all positive from here on out. That’s because in terms of their execution on the social video they posted, we have zero criticism. Office intros have become some kind of trend online, especially in the sports world, but rarely do teams put this much effort into the video. Most teams just use clips from their behind-the-scenes series, but the Browns really committed to the office life.

Some NHL teams could learn from this if they’re going to try anything like it in the future.

For example, the St. Louis Blues recently posted a video of Ryan O’Reilly becoming an employee at their office. We actually loved the dry humour in the video, but something with a little more depth like the Browns’ example could have really caught some traction.

The Dundie for best ‘The Office’ intro goes to the Cleveland Browns.