When the Super Bowl spotlights are on, moments are made - and that goes for more than just the game.

Iconic national anthems, super-charged halftime shows, and unexpected meme emergences are also products of the sporting world's biggest event. Who can forget left shark?

For Super Bowl LII, the meme that emerged was definitely phone kid. He was captured on national television with his face buried in his phone while the Super Bowl halftime performer, Justin Timberlake, was standing right next to him. 

​While the screen caps may show a disinterested 13-year old, it turns out the fan was actually admiring a fantastic selfie he had just snapped with the pop star.

​That's the money shot, and it's certainly a moment that the kid will remember for the rest of his life. 

He will have to deal with being a meme for a while though...

(H/T Arash Markazi)