Gifts abound. After the Raptors hooked Drake up with a custom pair of championship rings for The Boy, he’s returning the favour.

Each member of the Raptors’ championship roster — which, presumably, includes those playing elsewhere this season, such as Kawhi Leonard — got a custom championship jacket from Drake.

The full roster is stitched on to the jacket’s sleeve, with each player getting their own name highlighted in yellow as well as their nickname on the other sleeve.



Custom championship jackets from Drake 👀🏆 . (📸: @raptors)

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We love that Fred VanVleet’s jacket says ‘Twin,’ acknowledging how he could pretty much be Drake’s doppelganger. We don’t love that Malcolm Miller’s jacket has no nickname at all — not even a generic fallback like ‘MM’ — although, we love that everyone, from FVV to Miller, is getting the hook-up from Drake.

Considering he got two of these bad boys from the team, though, it’s the least he could do to return the favour, right?



We Major

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h/t Instagram/raptors