Another year of hockey is almost in the books, and what a year it has been. No matter what happens between the Vegas Golden Knights and the Washington Capitals this year promises to be one of the most memorable in recent history. For some, that doesn't just mean watching the players, it may also loop in some of the off-ice action. 

We're talking about everyone's favourite virtual activity - fantasy hockey. Tons of hockey fans participate in the rapidly growing phenomenon, but there are various levels of participation as well. Some leagues get abandoned before they begin, some leagues have nine dedicated members and three flakes, and some... well, some are like the Newfoundland-based Pucking Catalina WineMixer Fantasy League (fans of Will Ferrell and John C. Rielly's Step Brothers, anyone?).

Commissioner of the PCWFL Evan Lockyer sent through some photos with a description of what may be one of the most dedicated fantasy hockey leagues in Canada. Not only do they hold an offline draft, which is the true sign of a dedicated fantasy league, but they also have put together a full on awards ceremony to wrap up the year. It wasn't just a trophy being passed on with a couple of high-fives either. 

The ceremony was complete with logos, banners, a podium, miniature trophies, and even a hand-crafted backdrop. Lockyer and the rest of the league have gone above and beyond in an effort to make their fantasy league more reality than ever before. Their awards party was even sponsored by a local brewery. 

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The trophies appear to be modeled after real NHL trophies, including the Art Ross (awarded to the player with the most points), the Presidents Trophy (awarded to the team with the best regular season finish), and the William M. Jennings (awarded to the goaltender allowing the fewest goals throughout the year). Of course they're all named something a little different, such as the Fergie and Jesus award (STEP BROTHERS, ANYONE?!)

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This, along with enough beer to fill a swimming pool, makes for an enjoyable awards ceremony where it's not just the first place finisher that has reason to celebrate. 

With fantasy football leagues popping off wild parties on the regular, and even inspiring the show "The League", it's about time hockey fans start showing their pride. After all, hockey is the best, eh?

(H/T Evan Lockyer)