The Raptors are gearing up to play home games in Tampa Bay to kick off the 2020-21 regular season and a fan already has an idea of what the team’s new thread should look like.

Okay, so the team isn’t actually changing its look for the move but they might want to consider going with beauty that has a similar colour pattern to the Heats’ Miami Vice jerseys. The classic purple doesn’t look half-bad in baby blue!


Ohhhhh baby. Everything about this one is just beautiful. The font and colours are beautiful but let’s talk about that Raptor for a moment. The shades are just dynamite style and that get up? Our mascot’s looking like a retired 70-year-old. In that thing. Just throw on some Nike Air Monarchs and you’re golden!

On another note- we designed a few concepts of our own and we’d like to think they’re pretty fire.


It’s going to feel weird watching Canada’s team play home games down south this summer but hey, we’re all for the collabs. If you have any more, send them our way @BarDown!

(H/T Lucsdesign91)